Area Plans
Northeast KC City Housing Solutions Summit Report
The Summit, held March 18-21, 2021, brought together a wide array of stakeholders in a solutions-focused event aimed at creating a foundation for effective, creative grassroots action in addressing houselessness and associated issues in this historic area. Participants included elected officials, government professionals, representatives of nonprofit service provider organizations, neighborhood association representatives, and other individuals who live and/or work in the Northeast.

Independence Ave BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) Study
Independence Ave 2017 Pedestrian Safety Study
Mid America Regional Coucil conducted a study focused on pedestrain safety along the Avenue. The study team coordinated three rounds of engagement during the planning process. Each involved coordination with the Steering Committee, activities with the public & social media.
Buck O’ Neil Bridge Enhancement
The Truman Plaza area was incorporated from 1873 to 1909, and is entirely within Jackson County. The area covers parts of the 1st, 3rd, and 4th councilmatic districts, and is served by the Kansas City, Missouri School District.
Kansas City Comprehensive Plan – Spirit KC Playbook